Saturday, April 17, 2004

On Infidelity

I was chillin w/ my homie G last night and in my drunken stupor I told him about my problem with women. I explained that my problem actually goes beyond knee-jerk reactions since some of my actions are premeditated and even carefully planned. Yeah he knows I'm married, that I do truly love my wife and I have no plans to ever leave her... doesnt' everyone know that? He knows I'm not usually afflicted with issues of morality but that's exactly what this was. Old Wise G said... "You can't help it. It's something you're born with. It's very common in Filipinos too as our ancestors were notorious for extramarital affairs. We probably got it from the Spanish". By no means does this qualify as justification for my actions... but it does make a little sense. It probably is in my blood and part of my natural instinct.