Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Finally the weather is back to normal. Back to the foggy, gritty, chilly San Francisco I've grown to love. I couldn't stand that sunny 90 degree weather we've been having for the past few weeks. It just aint SF.

Workout: 2 miles on treadmill
Lunch: Tandoori chicken sandwich

All in all things are pretty kewl. I've been catching up on some ECO and HIS lessons, running or lifting every day, and most importantly, managing my time intelligently. In the process, I've had to give up shooting pool regularly and watching tv/movies. The tv/movies I can do without.. I've got all day Sunday and Monday night for that. However, the pool is another story.. I'm truly itching to pick up a cue and run a rack "up in dat muthafucka". Oh well, lets plan on playing Fri night and/or Sat morning.

Anyways I'm really tired. I didn't sleep well last night: 4AM to around 9:30 plus I haven't had any coffee all day so my brain is only half-working. I'm tempted to take a nap on this chair right quick...