Bukowski: Born into This
O jeah, one thing that deserves attention.
Wednesday, night after finding a parking spot right in front and scarfing down a quick meal at Cordon Bleu (which made us late) wifey and I rushed into the Lumiere off California and Polk to watch Bukowski: Born into This.
Man, let me just say watchng the documentary about Bukowski's life was a treat. Before watching the movie I'd only read a few of his books and seen his photo a few times so I was very impressed. It's amazing how the man had absolutely nothing going for him: an abusive upbringing, borderline poverty, and facial disfigurement, yet he's managed to capture the hearts and minds of many by overcoming... on his own terms. He did it by writing poems and stories that were utterly and painfully real, with his head held up high, a drink in his hand, and his nuts hanging.
Buk, you are the man...