Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Blueprint Hacking

My subconsious is still tormented
Those obscure objects of desire
I just wish they'd let me be
Let me focus on living righteously
Let me focus on living free

I realize I'm cursed by my genetic makeup. Everything, my thoughts, actions, consequences stem largely from my genetic makeup. My mother's heart and patience, my father's analytical skill... At the same time I've acquired my mother's alcoholism, her indecisiveness, and her poor vision of reality. As far as my Father's bad traits, there really aren't any serious ones... except possibly overcautiousness.

Is it possible to change the your blueprint? Could I somehow cause a during-my-life mutation of my genes? Hell I dunno.. I aint no genticist.

But I do know one thing for sure... I'm a true hacker as defined by my genetic code as well. I can make systems do what they weren't designed to do. After all, isn't the human mind just a complex system too?