A Night to Remember

Tuesday night, after knocking back about 10 heineys (each) at our favorite pool hall, my homie G tells us announces that his friend just got a job as a doorman at the world renowned Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre. Although, I've been there a couple times for bachelor parties and such, for the most part I've tried to avoid the place because of the outrageous 40 buck entry fee. Instead, I've preferred to frequent spots like The Gold Club. But hey, tonight was different -we were getting on the "list" and besides, it would've been highly insulting to G if we declined his invitation.
As soon as we walked in, I was reminded this was no regular Gentlemens club. Only nines and tens in this place. On the main stage was a stunning blond with a body built for fucking. As she bounced her nekkid ass up and down against the pole, there were other pros rubbing their breasts in the glass shower room. Disneyland for pervs I swear. Although, I still have yet to witness that customer-controlled remote control dildo I've heard so much about.
My new homie (who's initial will remain anonymous) drags us into a dark room, hands us flash lights and instructs us to take our seats. Sexy music fills the room and soon after so do about ten hotties. One per perv. Did I mention I haven't even spent a dollar yet? Anyways, once again I'm baffled by this joint as the brunette assigned to me is suddenly rubbing her heart-shaped ass on my lap. I guess you're supposed to pay to get into this room. Soon, I'm sporting a chubby and she's stroking it with her hand she gets me off balance by whispering in my ear "you know we could go to the back room and you could f*** me". What the hell? I've never had a tiddy dancer say some shit like that to me before. With heart and cock throbbing, I dug deep within myself, tapped into my last resevoir of willpower and declined with a smile. :) My dancer, the trooper she is, gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks away. Wow, I actually got a free lapdance, at O'Farrells Theater no less. An experience I'll never forget.