Sunday, January 04, 2004

Ok enough of that nonsense I was talking yesterday. Bottomline is keeping her as a friend without any trace of unhealtlhy feelings would keep me happy. She means so much to me... I'd just love to keep her around. I think we're inseperable in some ways when we both let our guards down. I tell you.. it's hard to find someone like that nowadays. keep ya head up babydoll... muah.

Today marks the end of my 3 week vacation. A decadent hedonistic binge probably describes it better. I can't seem to snap out of this mode I'm stuck in. I can't even wake up before 10am. How the hell am I gonna make it to work at a reasonable hour? My body temperature is out of whack. It's way too cold. I'm itching for a drink. I'm glued to the couch and the remote control. I've been on a strict carnivorous diet too. I sleep too damn much. Help.