Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Women Hacking 101

Woke up today feeling stronger than usual. That was after my third and finally successful attempt at climbing out of bed. If waking up don't kill you.. it'll make your stronger. Always remember that.

I read half of Women last night and that's enough to empower any troubled alpha male. Thanks Buk! I've somehow managed to fight off that damn flu. Am I really transforming into a samurai? Naw.. I think I owe it to the light excercise: the groovin on Sat night and the push ups from last night. Light excercise is always a good thing.. at any time. Always remember that.

One thing's for sure. My understanding of females has been all wrong all these years. This new understanding has been growing in me for quite some time now. Buk has only helped reinforce these ideals. I started noticing it upon deciding to become a meta hacker, a hacker of the metaphysical world. And unfortunately It's forced me explore the hacking of women ;-)The theory is this: successfully pulling a woman is about 60% confidence, 30% seductive ability, while the remaining 10% consists of other things almost insignificant: looks, money, selling skills, intelligence, etc. You can feel it walking down the street or walking into a club. Women notice it and and become magically drawn to confidence. The logical thinking woman will do her best of ward it off for they fear the power you bring to the table. The ability for you to make them lose control. The modern woman isn't supposed to fall prey to a 1-2 combo of confidence and seduction any more. It's not as socially acceptable as it used to be. However, it's inevitable that she'll submit, very willingly. They're genetically coded that way. You cater to two specific needs they long for: competence and intrique. Confidence displays competence, sometimes falsely. However, women's intuition can sniiff out a rat easily. That explains why you see so many women ridiculing these frauds. Seduction just leaves them intriqued. And Intrique is essential to freaky, bed-rattling sex.

Luckily, I don't have to put my theory to the test as I'm happily married. Just like Bill. Bill Gates that is, who scribbled code on paper.. he just knew it not only would compile, but would also execute.

I'm sure there are many exceptions to the rule (i.e. lesbians, psychotics, etc).

Please note that I'm not sexist nor do I support all of Hank's methods of pursuit and capture... But yeah he has the right idea.