So this week I've been lucky to be off from work. I accomplished a few things: painted the living room, downloaded some songs, etc but I still feel like my time could've been better spent. The abode is still far from being ready for us, not to mention ready for a rambunctious newborn. Argh. I really need to manage my time better and work smarter instead of harder.
Speaking of not working smart, a contractor was over here today to install a new dishwasher, faucet, and to fix the closet In 5-6 hours he only managed to install the dishwasher and get it working. And although it works and appears to run properly the damn thing still isn't mounted properly. In all that time that's all he could manage to do... Shit. I could've installed it myself in 3 hours if I tried. Hopefully he can finish up tomorrow in less than 8 hrs...
Tonight, my boy P is in town with his new gf and we're all supposed to go out for dinner and cocktails. Usually when he's in town we tend to go out of control... drinking and strip clubs, etc... but after he called me from the hotel I can already tell this year's gonna be different. It sounds like he's toned it down big time. I don't give a fuck... I'm going to be my usual self.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Bring on 2005
2004 has been a hectic year.
From the layoff scare that rang in 2004, to the two correspondence classes that brought me to the edge, to the discovery of a rare eye disease, then to the news of my impending fatherhood, and finally to the purchase and remodel of my first home. All this while busting my ass at work at all hours of the day and maintaining a social life of a ballin playboy.
The year wore me out considerably. 2004 will forever be remembered as the year I came of age. Actually, I think I just aged considerably... That's the truth.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Break in the Action
Finally I get to sleep in and catch up on some much needed being-a-bum type activities...
This year marks the first year I'll be away from my parents during Christmas ever. It's a little saddening and I know my mom is probably bothered by the end of this long tradition. I'm sure though, that she understands that it just isn't healthy for K to fly while she's past 7-8 months. And, I really owe it to my wife to finally spend a Christmas with her. Hopefully us coming down for Thanksgiving made up for it. Plus, we'll see them again during delivery time in Feb. Man, life's about to get real hectic...
A couple nights ago I treated myself to an oh so delicious vice. And no, I'm not talking about that new bartender at Fizzies (damn she's fine).. I'm still working on that ;-). I'm talking about kicks. Hella limited edition get-yo-ass-shot-over-them type kicks: The Air Jordan XIII black and red. I haven't bought kicks since those II's back in March and due to the home purchase and other priorities I even passed on such exclusives as the VII Olys and the CG IV's. So it was only natural for me stay up til midnight PST wait for them to pop up on they are smokin. Can't wait for them to arrive.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Short Days
I've been waking up at 7am for the past two days to attend Veritas Volume Manager training. Now why the hell would a security engineer torture himself with the the most boring topic in all of IT? I have no clue. Ask my boss.
At least training is down in the Embarcadero, which serves as a much better locale than bum infested south of market. I swear the area is filled with hot young professional bitches. Too bad my game does not exist before 3pm...
I did have a strange encounter at a neighborhood restaurant tonight. Stylish pretty 23ish thang could not take her eyes off me. It was as if she was undressing me with her eyes while subtly offering me pussy as she walked by. It lasted for a good 4-5 seconds and concluded with a sexy yet devious little smile. Pretty bold considering it happened while I was having dinner with my wife. Get at me when I'm solo babydoll.
On a another note, I was notified about a bizarre and shocking occurence. The contractor that worked on the remodel of my condo apparently had 4 fingers severed off by a saw (they were able to save three of the four fingers). Now that's nuts. I should've told him to be more careful when I saw hem installing crown mouldings while barefoot and being careless with live wires.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Party at the Wood
Last night G and I met up for some much needed drinking and skirt chasing. The evening started out at an xmas party at one of our favorite SOMA watering holes, a spot notoriously known as a hangout for professional alcholics, pool sharks, and volumptuous strippers past their prime. After chowing down on some potluck grub (spagetti, ham, dim sum) and sippin on about four or five Glenlivets we hit our favorite venue, The Wood.
Line spanned half a block. Full of nice pinay young tenders and even twice as many pinoys that all looked identical. I mean, have you ever noticed that all pinoys between the ages of 18 to 25 in the bay area all look the same? It's either shaved dome or that Steven Segal ponytail look. WTF? How do these hotties differentiate between them? Anyways, I'm in a weird mood walking into the place. I feel out of my element. The majority of the crowd is young. I don't know a soul up in here... Bypassing the long-ass line and getting love from the bouncers while hundreds of haters witness don't make me feel any better. Even captivating glances from pretty junior varsity women don't help.
I must work on controlling my state.
Later in the evening I start to get loose. I see an old friend who was accompanied by a small entourage. Especially a cute Peruvian chick. She's drunk and she's diggin my style. She's trying to entice me. Instinctively, I begin spitting some serious game. I guess people noticed and in no time I'm surrounded by cock blockers. My old friend drags her off to the dance floor. Hahaha. It's all good.
I open another sexy hoodrat with a comment about her tattoo we go into some small talk about her interesting name She's responsive and it's obvious she's interested. But I just run out of shit to say. Honesly, I've forotten how to talk to women around that age.
Overall it was fun... I could get the hang of this ;-)
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Head Start on New Years Resolution
They say in the computer security world: You're only as your weakest link. I've found out recently that theory also applies to us as human beings.
I've spent countless hours working on hardening and fortifying many parts of my armor to such an extent that these parts are now resilient and impenetrable. In turn, I've neglected certain obvious chinks.
That vulnerable link I'm refering to is state.
When I'm in a poor or negative state all goes wrong. I become a monster. I forget everything else I've worked so hard to learn all these years. It's like that memory location containing all the lessons learned that are supposed to get referenced before a crucial action is taken gets completely ignored.
Not for long...
I'm re-engineering the system. That's all I have to say.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Bad Mood
I don't know if it was one too many bourbons last night or lack of REM sleep but I'm in a horrible mood this morning. It took 30 minutes to get into the city. The bus was packed with unkempt and dirty passengers. No one in the office acknowledged my presence. Neither did any of these bitches online.
What is the world coming to?
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Days are Numbered?
I've been out of control lately. Everyone can see it.
I've been gaming women like my life depended on getting them into bed.
I've been shooting pool lights out as if my last game of 9 ball was days away.
And I've been drinking like Bukowski did in his prime.
Someone theorized that its all because I'm freaking out inside because soon this life will be over.. and a new one will be beginning.
It will no longer be about me...
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Saturday, December 04, 2004
I'm really not in the mood to write. I'm only writing this because so much has happened recently and I feel like if I don't write anything this blog would totally neglect such a critical and important turning point in my life.
It's just difficult.
I just returned from H-Town, where I once again lived my days with wild abandon. Old wounds were pried open then re-stitched up. I triumphed from winning new conquests I never thought possible. And now I come back drained and spent. Nothings new though, I always come back the same way...
But I know this time is different... Because I know it's the last time, at least when its all about me.
It's just difficult.
I just returned from H-Town, where I once again lived my days with wild abandon. Old wounds were pried open then re-stitched up. I triumphed from winning new conquests I never thought possible. And now I come back drained and spent. Nothings new though, I always come back the same way...
But I know this time is different... Because I know it's the last time, at least when its all about me.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Voting in San Francisco
Today marks the first time I've ever voted. Woohoo.
I'm sure what I experienced at the polls today pretty much characterizes this crazy-ass city. It really wasn't what I expected at all. I figured the lines would run around the corner and it would take half a day to do my thang. I imagined volunteer-stiff-whistleblower types would be manning the voting booths backed up by gun-toting lawmen. I was hella off.
The polling place near Folsom and 3rd was located in a Center for the Aged. The poll agents were sweet elderly folks who were surprisingly sharp and very efficient. Not too much English was even spoken. Instead, Tagalog, Cantonese, and Russian words dominated.
The voting process was very informal. One could fill out their ballots outside the booths while sitting in chairs or waiting in line.
The ballot listed a woman Starchild ,Escort, Erotic Dancer, Masseuse, as a candidate for the City College Board. (Yes, I voted for her).
Friday, October 29, 2004
Gangsta Rap on the Decline
Jeah, I'm bored as hell waiting for my homie G to swoop me up...
What happened to lyrics like this:
If ya gal look fine ya bettah hide the bitch
Cuz if I find her imma fuck her and make her suck my dick
That goes for yo mama and yo sister too
And if I'm locked down in jail that shit might go for you
But I just laugh cuz pussy games be triflin
The legs get spread, I cut that ass like a knife then
Bust a nut on her stomach, wash my dick in the sink
And buy a 40 at the stow from the goddamn chink
UGK - Cocaine in the Back of the Ride
What happened to gangsta shit like that??
Friday, October 22, 2004
Astros Lose NLCS
Losing game 7 hurts more than any other game I can remember in recent years.
It hurts more than getting dumped or getting fired.
That damn Pujols double, then Rolen's heart-ripping HR was witnessed from the backroom at the Wood. I lost my temper for about 5 minutes, cursing loudly like a madman at the world and everything in it...
Then I took a deep breath and in a manner a zen master would approve of... I let it go.
Thank you Astros for the ride... it's been an amazing year and you exceeded all expectations. I'll love you always.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Miceli Chokes (Again), BoSox Reverse Curse
Garner, why would you even think about putting in the worst pitcher all of the majors?
Congrats to Sox fans everywhere. I wish I could feel what yall are feeling...
Tomorrow it all goes down.. Watching the game from my couch, alone, in a straightjacket.
Go Stros!!!
Monday, October 18, 2004
Typical SF Weekend
What happened this weekend reminds me of why I love San Francisco. Even on a typical laid back weekend certain stereotypes and initial impressions can get shatterred as soon as I leave the house. Friday night, I went out with my realtor and his homie. Every time I've met up with him to look at homes or sign documents he's always sporting a suit like any typical young square with a little money. So I guess you could say I was a little shocked when I jumped into the backseat and he hands me a 40 oz of King Cobra and suggests I try to kill it before we get to our destination (Club Six). My big baller realtor who owns a 600k home drinks 40's to avoid paying a premium for drinks at the club. He also makes it a point to show up early to avoid paying full cover. A little odd... but hey it's pretty fuckin cool too.
Astros tie up the series 2-2 woohoo.
Last night I had dinner drinks with a bunch of Stanford and Princeton grads... Yeah I felt a little dumb. But it's ok.. they can't pull bitches like me.
Oh.. can't forget Rueben Droughns and Detox Tea.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
No Worries
Pee Wee League bullpen stabs the Astros again. Garner: Please replace Vizcaino and Ensberg with Everett and Lamb. It's obvious they will hurt us less. I'm confident we will still prevail.
M, you know.. sometimes I think I'm in love with you... then I realize it's just because you love sports. And M, please don't try to run back to me when your boyfriend gets tired of fucking you again or if you need a lock. Damn Hoe.
Oh yeah. 2008 songs on my IPOD :-)
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Curse Broken
Two months ago, if someone asked me if I'd ever see my Astros win a playoff series in my lifetime I probably would've said not likely. Tonight, anything's possible... even a World Series victory vs. Boston or New York.
You see, as far as I can remember I've been a crazied Houston fan. I recall watching the 1980 NLCS vs. the Phillies with my Dad and my Grandfather. I remember crying like a little bitch when Phi Slamma Jamma lost the NCAA championship. And of course, I could never forget that heartbreaking meltdown by the Oilers in the playoffs vs. the Buffalo Bills while I was in college.
I've witnessed too many miraculous comebacks engineered by the likes of dudes like John Elway, Danny Ainge, Joe Montana, Karl Malone, etc. I've thrown pizza at TV's. I've threatened Cowboy fans with violence. I've always acted pretty fucking crazy when it came to my teams.
Not too many people outside of Houston could ever comprehend the passion, the anger, the we hold inside. We were born with a fucking monkey on our backs. We always played second fiddle to "America's team": Staubach, Emmitt Smith, their cheerleaders who were always hotter than ours. Members of the New York media insulted our beloved city by calling it "hell on earth" during Clutch City '94. And what about 43 years of no Astro playoff series wins... until now.
Yeah I know the Rockets won two titles back in the mid-nineties. I celebrated and talked so much smack back then too. Those championships were the most memorable fan experiences in my life. Afterwards, I quit being so angry. I learned that we werent really cursed. I didn't let future losses bother me as much. We were no longer cursed I believed.
Ok, now that I realize that this little essay lacks a point and I'm just rambling I better quit. I guess just I'm emotional to see the Astros finally win a playoff series. It feels amazing. I haven't been this happy about H-Town sports for 10 years...
Beat St. Louis.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Once again I've neglected my loyal following of fans... But don't fret, I have concrete and worthy justification for this last hiatus. I'd love to be eloquent and verbose but I'm just not in the mood nor do I have the time or patience. So please excuse my incoherent prose.
The Good:
Once again I put in another offer for a little ghetto condo in the penninsula. Not bad for the price. Definitely a good starter. Luckily I actually won this bid and all looked peachy. Until my lender gets wind of litigation against the home owners association and decides to get iffy and things get downright beauracratic. Deadlines pass, I'm suddenly in breach of contract. Life is suddenly stressful as shit.
The Bad:
In effect, due to this new 3% purchasing price of a monkey on my back I lose my head some and proceed to get into a car accident by smashing into the passenger door of a 3 series beamer who runs a red light. Although she was somewhat at fault by running a red light (maybe maybe not) the adjuster determines I'm liable since it's my duty to "carefully check any intersection before proceeding" as stated in California traffic code number 248702.3832k4. Deep inside I knew it was... but honestly I wanted some rich daddy's girl in the beamer to pay for it. :-P
Suddenly I'm more stressed than any time I could ever recall. But at the same time I'm immune to pain by now.
The Ugly:
M catches me online. Yeah we've been making a little small talk here and there. She's been amicable since her and her boyfriend got back together. We still flirt and tease one another. The sexual tension still exists but just on a lower scale. Until tonight... Tonight for some unknown reason she's especially frisky. She's expressing fantasies about our next rendezvous: Dinner, a bottle of wine, and rough sex. On top of that she says I "better not be one of those making love type of guys". Damn M, If you only knew ;-) I think she wanted me to get her off right then.. but honestly I was a little spooked with my wife in the next room. Gulp.
Thursday, September 23, 2004

Stayin' Alive
With Houston 2 games back, these past few days I've been fortunate to attend two Astros (vs Giants at SBC) games. Both tonight and last night two of my ex-Astro-fan homies have graciously hooked me up. Last night I sat in an area otherwise known as "nosebleed-be-careful-you-don't-get-in-a-fight-area". I was aight it got me hyped and once again reminded me how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful city with a beautiful ballpark (yup you guessed it the stros lost that one).
Today, my homie the crazy mexican somehow someway hooked up with some field club seats (just to the left of the giants dugout about 6-7 rows up). Its funny how much more civilized rich season ticket holders are :). I was lucky witness Bonds approaching the mound after a pitch was thrown behind him and more importantly Berkman hitting a 3 run homer in the eigth to shut up the yuppie crowd. hahaha. Yeah i'm drunk. I can't write right now but I'll be sure to revise this very soon.
Monday, September 20, 2004

Off to a Strong Start
Due to brilliant managerial moves (and a little luck) both my fantasy squads have jumped out to a 2-0 start. Its about fuckin' time.
In other news...
We should be putting in an offer on a little ghetto crib in the next few days. Hopefully we don't get overbid by 40g's this time.
Work is about to get extremely hectic.. again.
My hair is the longest its ever been i think. It's amazing the type of women one attracts can depend on the length of ones hair. I'm dying to cut it off.
Oh yeah... Stros/Giants/Cubs are in a close battle for the NL Wild Card. HOU at SF series starts tomorrow... Go stros!!!
Lots more but I have no energy to discuss...
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Woohoo it's a Girl
A few of my most talented gambler friends predicted it.
A friend's dad mentioned something about a direct correlation between dads eating alot of spicy food and having daughters. He loves spicy foods and had three daughters. I too prefer my food spicy.
Another friend mentioned there was a way to tell by examining the curve of my wife's belly -If it curves more at the top it's a girl, more on the bottom it's a boy. It curved more on the top...
Finally, my homie S said that God gets back at a true player by making their first born a girl.
Looks like they were all correct.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
First Offer
So I've been busy as of late. Home hunting, attending various social functions (including my own B-Day shindig), and mental preparation for having a baby has taken up all my time. Not much time for carousing and mackin on hoochies... Yeah, life is rough right now.
And it's about to get rougher. I'm only entering the eye of the storm.
I realized this today when I put in my first offer for this quaint little ghetto condo. I offered a generous 10 grand over the asking. During my meeting with the realtor yesterday I even felt guilty about that. I mean 10 grand sheesh.. i'm getting royally screwed right?
Apparently not.
My realtor calls me today after he presented to the seller and his agent to mention my offer wasn't accepted. In fact, it was trumped by about 30g's. Fucking ridiculous. So I've been spending much of the day complaining to whoever wants to listen. I received the same response from everyone...
Welcome to the San Francisco real estate market.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Melting in San Francisco
This heat is killing me. I can't sleep. I can't relax... And I sure as hell can't blog. All I can do is try to avoid moving as it causes my pores to leak. I've lived through plenty of 100 degree summers but we always had AC to take the pain away. AC isn't a fixture in SF homes so we're pretty much screwed 2-3 weeks every year. Fog and breeze, I promise to never curse you again if you would come back.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Coming down with something
again... This is really getting annoying now. After two solid workouts at the gym in the past few days I am once again coming down with some sort of sickness. I first noticed myself getting affected by short dizzy spells while sitting in front of the computer last night. Soon thereafter, it was followed by muscle aches all over. Routine soreness from the workouts became excruciatingly painful. Allergies are magnified 4 times. This sux.
Please go away whatever you are.
Monday, August 23, 2004
Fantasy Football '04
This past friday we held our annual draft for BJT keeper league. Here's the six players I held over from last year:
QB Tom Brady (the two time Superbowl MVP that produces mediocre fantasy numbers)
RB Travis Henry (Willis please get traded)
RB Corey Dillon (This guy's future is in Belicheks's hands)
WR Chad Johnson (el capitan of my squad)
WR Hines Ward (my 2nd most valuable player behind Chad)
Obviously I'm hurting at running back like I am every year. I swear.. any RB I touch touch turns to bust. This year I put an end to this by drafting a solid RB for years to come. An alternate QB would help tremdously as well.
Draft Results and Analysis:
1.05 RB Deshaun Foster ~ After KJones, CBrown, QGriffin, SJackson went (in that order) I had to grab him. I'll admit it was a bit of a reach and I heard it from the haters soon after but this is my gem... this is my keeper for years to come. Yeah I got trumped with the SJax pick right but now I truly believe it was a blessing in disguise. I also toyed with the idea of taking Andre Johnson or Julius Jones here too.
2.05 RB Charlie Garner - After getting trumped once again (AJ taken at 2.04) I had to go with value. Garner happened to be the next dood on the list. The man was expected to in the first round. I have no qualms taking value here.
3.05 WR Jerry Porter - Yup, another dood I had on both teams last year. He suddenly finds himself Oakland's WR1 and is due for a breakout year. Bow down to the best WR corps in the league: chad/hines/jerry.
4.05 QB Byron Leftwich - In my mocks I was drafting this guy in the 3rd round. I decided before my 3rd pick that he had a better chance of lasting until the 4th. I was right. This guy is my gem QB who loves to throw downfield. He's got one of the best Offensive lines in the league and is extremely proficient in the red zone.
5.05 WR Deion Branch - I could've had Brandon Lloyd at this spot since I had both him and Branch ranked equally but opted for Branch for the Brady-Branch connection. I hope I don't regret it.
6.05 WR Kevin Johnson - I had this guy ranked higher that most. While others may not have even had him on their draft sheets I had this guy bumped up pretty high. He enters the regular season as Baltimore's WR1. My boy's got sure hands and Boller is much more confident and accurate. From watching the first preseason game, it's apparent that they've developed some chemistry already.
7.05 RB Justin Fargas - I originally draft Famous Amos here but swapped him out for Fargas soon after the draft concluded. He's somewhat of a longshot but this guy can flat out run and he's got a nose for the endzone. He currently sits 2nd on Oakland's depth chart behind Wheatley, who I feel cannot last as a every down back for long.
8.05 K Sebastian Janikowski - My drunk homie... still has the strongest leg in the NFL.
9.05 DEF RAMS - According to my rankings, these guys have the easiest first 3 games. They just might be the component that gets me off to a strong start.
Last week in a Nutshell
To celebrate our 1 yr wedding anniversary K and I spent 3 days down in Arroyo Grande (just south of San Luis Obisbo) at the majestic estate of a local winery. Although we have stayed at a friend's small winery up in Napa before this one was unreal. I'm talking 1800 acres of lush vinyards. The estate was a gorgeous villa atop a hill with 360 degree views of the countryside. The pool appeared to fall off the edge hill into rows and rows of lemon trees. And to top it all off, the gameroom housed a sweet brunswick regulation pool table. Talk about heaven.
We spent most of the two days relaxing by the pool, drinking wine (only me), eating at local restaurants in nearby Pismo Beach, and playing alot of pool. We were even crazy enough to drive down to Santa Barbara for literally a few minutes. The sky was overcast and frankly the place looked like any other generic California coastal town. That's what we get not planning the trip i guess...
On the way back, we stopped at a strange Danish village called Solvang and grabbed some pastries and stuff. I was a little bitter about wasting an entire afternoon on the road but I got over it as soon as I was swimming in the pool back at the estate.
On our way back to da yay we decided to check out Hearst Castle. Now this place was the most extravagant pimp home I've ever seen. William Randolph Hearst... a muthafuckin big baller.
A couple things to note though... I wish there was a sign that stating it would be in your best interest to head south on 1 to get back on 101. That 80 mile drive along Hwy 1 from San Simeon to Monterey was treacherous and it really took alot out of me. And yes, I really need to take it easy on the caffeine during long drives. Paranoia seems to result from excessive alertness.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Fiending for some Madden
So I woke up late this morning. Thursday, the day where meetings fill my entire schedule. Usually, I would've jumped into the shower then quickly into the office on my most stressful day of the week. But oh no.. not today. Today, Madden 2005 was released. So instead, I jumped into whatever clothes were laying on the floor and drove like a madman to my local Best Buy to cop my muthafuckin copy. Woohoo!!!
And now here I sit in my cubicle counting the minutes until I can go home and play...
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Monday, August 09, 2004
SF vs LA
Another awesome post from Rok of about the differences between SF and LA. I agree 100%:
"LA has hotter girls, but their hotness comes with a price: more fakeness. From boobs to style, LA women are unhealthily superficial. Because the weather is much warmer, there's more skin. Summer in LA is sexier than summer in SF."
"SF has a funkier and more eclectic culture, but LA produces 100,000 times more exportable culture. LA and New York are in their own league in terms of culture production. It's where the money the money is; it's where the talent is; it's where the action is. That said, SF's lower profile makes it a better breeding ground for certain underground and indie cultural manifestations."
Right on the money... I couldn't agree more.
What's Been Crackalackin
I told my boss about our new FTE that will be arriving around Feb/Mar. I just wanted to giver her a heads up in case she notices i suddenly less visible and responsive these upcoming months.
I've beens suffering from extreme upper and lower back pain. Most likely, it's a direct result of sitting on my ass all day eating baby back ribs and bread. It doesn't help that I've been avoiding the gym either. That old adage that a father-to-be usually puts on around ten pounds during the mother's pregnancy is completely true. I gotta turn this around.
Going through a bit of a hacker revival as of late. That desire to hack and quench my thirst for systems knowledge is strong once again... real strong. Although I've been lazy for the most part, haven't been lazy about learning new things. Thanks SANS. Thanks Authors of How to Own a Continent (awesome book).
Last but definitely not least: Football season is here. Tonight the Hall of Fame Game kicks off in Canton, OH. DEN (-1) vs WASH. Finally.. my favorite time of the year.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Friday, July 30, 2004
First Sonogram
I deperately want to start blogging again. Especially just to document my life during these trying times. But it's really tough as I don't have the time nor the motivation. I just feel like I should be spending my time doing something more productive.
Yesterday, Wifey and I when to see the doctor and I saw the first sonogram of the baby. Seriously, I was expecting to see an amoeba-like image on the screen. Instead I saw what was a little human complete with arms and legs. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I stood there mouth agape for like 10 minutes. My child even moved around wildly like he/she was going the cabbage patch or some shit. Whoa. I'll never forget that moment.
I know its as natural as the thought of life itself but for some reason I'm trippin on the thought of a human being inside another human. It's just sooo weird.
I deperately want to start blogging again. Especially just to document my life during these trying times. But it's really tough as I don't have the time nor the motivation. I just feel like I should be spending my time doing something more productive.
Yesterday, Wifey and I when to see the doctor and I saw the first sonogram of the baby. Seriously, I was expecting to see an amoeba-like image on the screen. Instead I saw what was a little human complete with arms and legs. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I stood there mouth agape for like 10 minutes. My child even moved around wildly like he/she was going the cabbage patch or some shit. Whoa. I'll never forget that moment.
I know its as natural as the thought of life itself but for some reason I'm trippin on the thought of a human being inside another human. It's just sooo weird.
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Raw Data
Like the heading implies this one's gonna be extremely raw. For one thing, I'm borderline drunk. Secondly I really don't feel like trying to sound eloquent. Besides... it ain't like people actually read this lame blog. Here's what's happened lately.
- I'm about to be a dad. Yes, I'm elated but at the same time scared shitless because I really have some growing up to do.
(Lots more on this later)
- I've been down here parlaying in Monterey for the SANSFire conference. I've gotta admit I've learned some amazing things
and it's reminded me that hacking and security IS my first love (aside from fine bitches).
Note: this place really sux as far as nightlife is concerned if there ain't no find bitches everywhere. Argh.
- Our little geek conference has been overshadowed by some world renowned motorcycle race over at Laguna Seca. Hella kewl.
I've never realized the quality of hoochies that follow around extreme sports enthusiasts. Seriously, in the past two hours I've seen the finest T&A EVER in Cali (yes, even in strip clubs). I'm talking fine ass semi-trailer park h0ez that looked like Monet Mazur... I saw about a hundred clones of her. Ugh.
- I'm convinced if some of these chicks really understood the power us hackers hold... they'd be jockin us more.
- Ok.. they got this little IPNET hack your azz off for a t-shirt type shit going on. Uhh... Interesting and fun and all but what's fun and realistic about hacking old unpatched boxes for a lame azz shirt? Not a damn thing. It just ain't real world. Any dweeb could do it in their sleep. Shit.
- But hey, I can't hate.
- A drunk party of 3 offered me 50 bux US to drive them back to their hotel. I took them up on it. Their hotel was 5 blocks away. It's funny because I was with a couple canuck hax0rz that actually worried about my safety. awww. hehehe. I appreciate their concern but honestly I can read humans better than I can read tcpdump output right now so yeah I knew they were harmless from the beginning. Trust me I can tell the difference between typical drunkards and potential abductors. heh.
- Is it just me but are Canadian hax0rz really that square? Nice guys tho.
- I really need to get to Defcon one day.
- It really feels good to get 50 bux for doing next to nothing.
- This baby fridge is running out of alcohol.
- Aight, I'm going to bed now. tired. big day ahead tomorrow.
- Late
- 143 babydoll.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Friday, June 25, 2004
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

TMac a Rocket
Yup... You guessed it, I'm bitter but I also hope I'm wrong.
All my friends, rockets fans and haters alike, cannot understand why the hell I'd be against this deal. My arguments about TMac being a selfish and gutless player bear no fruit whatsover it seems. They all think I'm just talkin' smack just to be a rebel of poplular opinion. I can't blame them either as I have in the past made some pretty outlandish claims and have opposed the opinions of bandwagoners everwhere.
Remember when the Rockets took a chance on Scotty Pippen? I do. Rox fans at bars on Westheimer were yelling shit like "Yo, we got Scotty Pimpin". I also remember being fervently against it. I alredy suspected that an overrated half-assed player without his All-Universe sidekick would amount to nothing.
Prior to this NBA season, I laughed at the idiocy of the Lakers who brought in aging all-stars like Malone and Payton to win a title. I figured that GMs would've learned by now that a bunch of stars on a team doesn't correlate to winning championships. Yup, I was right about that one too.
Look at this year's champs, the Detroit Pistons. Aside from Ben Wallace do you see any other all stars on that squad? Do you see any flashy prima donnas? Hell no. What you have is a core group of overachivers with a lot of heart and the right chemistry between them. That's what wins rings son.
Again that's why I'm strongly opposed to this deal. It doesn't make sense because it really doesn't make us better. It doesn't fill the holes. We still don't have a quality Power Forward that will bang and take pressure off Yao. Now we have a backcourt of backcourt of Lue and JJ?? That's gotta be one of the leagues's worst.
Yeah, Francis and Mobley have been turnover prone and have gotten caught up in playing "streetball" more often than fans would have liked BUT... they have also given 110% in every minute of every game. They have never been criticized of half-assed lazy play on the court. They have taken responsibility for team losses and their own mistakes. There's no denying their lack of will to win games. It was evident in the playoffs that they had matured and grown under Van Gundy's teachings.
I'm not even going to bust on TMac, Juwon, and Lue (the one with the most heart) because I feel it's only right I give them a fair shot. Besides, its totally pointless as I'm always going to be a Rox fan... No matter what.
Bottom line is, the improvment shown by our backcourt wasn't enough for the Rockets front office. Something had to be done, even if it doesn't make sense at all. It's the H-Town way.
For non-Houston residents it's really hard to understand our mentality. You see, H-Town, Texas is the least expensive metropolis in the country to live in. We get the most bang for our buck down there. We can floss a new Benz and a Mansion on a 50k salary. If our Prada and Dolce and Gabbana gear ain't the latest and greatest we throw it out and hit the Galleria to pick up the stuff that is. Then we holler to the rest of our peers... You ain't up on this, biatch!!! It's all really pointless and illogical but it's flossin... and to us flossin is all that really matters.
We use the same approach when dealing with our professional sports teams. To us crazed Rockets fans losing in the first round of the playoffs is unacceptable, especially after such a long drought. TMac's demand for a trade from, Orlando provided the perfect opportunity to bring in some new flossin' material. That's just how we do it.
Monday, June 21, 2004
Juarez 2004
I realized I needed a copy of the latest Symantec Ghost and I really didn't feel like paying $299 for something I was going to use once or twice for the next two years.
I decide to hit up my homie T, purveyor of the finest 0-day warez on the planet. For the past 3-4 years he's been hooking me up and has never asked for anything in return. An overall good guy. I've always known he was probably some capo for some dangerous warez trafficing mafia but never I bothered to inquire. Besides, if he told me he'd probably have to kill me. The conversation went like this:
sun: I know I ask you this every year but do you have a copy of the new Symantec Ghost? Thanks playa.
T: Hahaah, you want the “2003 personal edition” or “8 corporate” ?
sun: I dunno.. Whichever one you think is better. Maybe you oughta just send over the complete 2004 juarez compilation cd like you usually do ;-)
T: That was my next question – that disc has gone to DVD! And is going to press this week, you want a copy?
Woah. I gotta remember to send this guy a bottle of Scotch one day.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Piston's Dominate Lakers... Steal Title
I have to hand it to them. They embarrassed a team that was 6 to 1 favorites going into Finals. When's the last time a huge underdog came in and waxed some favorite azz? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it was back in '95 when my beloved Houston Rockets swept the Orlando Magic during Shaq's rookie year.
To Chauncey, Rip, Sheed, Ben, Tayshaun, and the rest of the ballers and they're fans: big ups to ya.
Didn't I call it before the series began?
Monday, June 14, 2004

Houston LAstros
Before the season commenced, several sports writers tagged the Astros to win the NL Central. A couple bold ones even predicted they'd be making their first World Series appearance. Who could blame them? I mean, we always had the bats. Offensively, a lineup of Biggio, Bagwell, Berkman (the killer B's), Kent, and Hidalgo appeared as potent as the lineups of even the most dangerous clubs out there (Yup, even those guys in the Bronx). Putting runs on the board would not be an problem right? It sure hasn't been a problem these past few years. What's held us back lately was an inexperienced and erratic pitching staff. That was supposed to be corrected with a couple ingenius offseason manuevers. What better way to develop Oswalt and Miller than to bring in a couple veterans, a couple old school Texans who've won rings no less. Sounds like a flawess master plan right? Honestly, at the start of the season I truly believed the Stros sole weakness was our bullpen. It was the only imperfection in my mind.
I was way off. Little did I realize that the killer B's would hit like harmless little B(itche)'s. Little did I know that they would lose their nuts whenever runners occupied bases. Little did I know that Adam Everett and Clemens would be the only Astros truly deserving of an All-Star selection.
Something's gotta be done. I just can't put my finger on it yet as it isn't obvious.
Maybe we need to pull the trigger to bring in a consistent hitter who thrives when the pressure's on. Hell, maybe we ought to call someone up from Triple A and bench Bagwell and Kent. Drayton, my man, please do something soon before the potentially best squad in Astros history ends up the worst disappointment in Astros history.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Who's brilliant idea was it to put that damn hill in the center field? Why is it I've never seen anyone else besides Biggio bust their ass on that thing? This guy agrees.
Saturday, June 12, 2004
BBQ and Sake?
What the hell? That's what I was thinking when I first walked into Memphis Minnie's Southern style BBQ joint. They actually had a sign listing the different types of cold Sake they served. Only in SF i guess.
I case you don't know I've been on this neverending quest to find quality BBQ in this wretched city. So far I've checked out Big Nate's and Everett and Jones and I've been extremely disappointed. Big Nate, I know you're an NBA Hall of Famer but your BBQ would've been cut from the High School JV squad. Argh.(even though I still eat there because there's nothing else). Brother-In-Law's BBQ is next on my list to try but again, I'm not getting my hopes up. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not expecting real stuff like Rudy's or The Salt Lick like we had in down in Central Texas. Shit, even the average BBQ my wife picked up at the airport in Houston blows everything away here. I just need something, anything, that faintly resembles real Southern, finger licking BBQ.
I've checked out the reviews and I've meant to check out Minnie's for quite sometime now. Low expectations and bitch-ass parking in the Lower Haight, for the most part, have lessened the urge. But today, after watching the BBQ specials on Food Network I was fiending. I had to finally visit the place.
The ambiance was typical of any BBQ with it's bright red walls and picnic style seating. The staff was very cordial and the line to get grub was long. I was disappointed by the fact they were out of St. Louis style ribs. I guess it was just late. Who knows. So I order the rib tips and their speciality brisket (supposedly cooked for 18 hours) with macaroni/cheese and potlicker greens. The food came out quickly and I raced home eager to feast.

The ribs were greasy and it's edges were a bit overcooked. The outer texture of was similar to that of beef jerky. The brisket was succulent and tender but was definitely too fatty. The sides were average at best. What I did appreciate about the place was the fact that they didn't drench the meat in sauce which all other SF BBQ spots seem to do. If you didn't ask for the sauce on the side you were basically stuck with BBQ sauce soup with a little meat in it. In fact, MM's actually advocates tasting the meat without or just sauced lightly. That's my style, just like down in Texas. The sauce at this place is a little different as there are four types (vinegar based, mustard based, and a mild and hot sauce). A little fancy shmancy but they all tasted pretty good. I didn't get to taste the hot stuff. I didn't see it anywhere and no one offered it to me. I had read about it later on their website after I already finished stuffing myself.
Overall, for it was ok for Cali, probably a little better than Big Nate's. But since I didn't get to try the ribs I can't really give it a fair assessment. However, if MM's was in the dirty south they'd be bankrupt by now. I'll be back I guess.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Eschew Obfuscation
For some reason that's what was written on the whiteboard in our conference room when we walked into our weekly staff meeting. I had to sit there and think about what it meant while my colleagues giggled like those dudes from revenge of the nerds.
O yeah, the Pistons took it to that Laker ass once again. Told you so. Bow down to my 31337 capping skillz.
A Night to Remember

Tuesday night, after knocking back about 10 heineys (each) at our favorite pool hall, my homie G tells us announces that his friend just got a job as a doorman at the world renowned Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre. Although, I've been there a couple times for bachelor parties and such, for the most part I've tried to avoid the place because of the outrageous 40 buck entry fee. Instead, I've preferred to frequent spots like The Gold Club. But hey, tonight was different -we were getting on the "list" and besides, it would've been highly insulting to G if we declined his invitation.
As soon as we walked in, I was reminded this was no regular Gentlemens club. Only nines and tens in this place. On the main stage was a stunning blond with a body built for fucking. As she bounced her nekkid ass up and down against the pole, there were other pros rubbing their breasts in the glass shower room. Disneyland for pervs I swear. Although, I still have yet to witness that customer-controlled remote control dildo I've heard so much about.
My new homie (who's initial will remain anonymous) drags us into a dark room, hands us flash lights and instructs us to take our seats. Sexy music fills the room and soon after so do about ten hotties. One per perv. Did I mention I haven't even spent a dollar yet? Anyways, once again I'm baffled by this joint as the brunette assigned to me is suddenly rubbing her heart-shaped ass on my lap. I guess you're supposed to pay to get into this room. Soon, I'm sporting a chubby and she's stroking it with her hand she gets me off balance by whispering in my ear "you know we could go to the back room and you could f*** me". What the hell? I've never had a tiddy dancer say some shit like that to me before. With heart and cock throbbing, I dug deep within myself, tapped into my last resevoir of willpower and declined with a smile. :) My dancer, the trooper she is, gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks away. Wow, I actually got a free lapdance, at O'Farrells Theater no less. An experience I'll never forget.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Tree Hugger Alert

We received an email last week warning us to either work from home or exercise extreme caution when walking to the office this week. Why you may ask?
BIO 2004 is in town.
And in San Francisco, that means trouble. All the crazy militant tree huggers will be out in full force trying to disrupt the damn thing. Word on the street is this one's going to be huge too. Crazy militant tree huggers, supported by their inheiritances and trust funds, from all over the world will be flying in to wreak havoc. So I'm thinking, kewl, I wanna see some thugged out hippies harrassing some bigwig execs. That would be hella entertaining. I decided I would not work from home today.
So I'm walking to work, camera in hand ready to see some crazy shit go down. To my dismay, all I see is a bunch of snotty suits, police barricades, and buses full of riot control cops. Where the fuck are the tree huggers? Did they all party too hard last night? Are they still all hungover from all the granola bars, homemade beer, tree fucking? What the hell? I could've worked from home. Argh.
I did get to see this one milf correspondent from ABC (I don't know who she is but I'll post it if I find out) and she was smokin... While I slowed down to check out her ass she dropped something on the ground and bent over to pick it up. Me and about a dozen bio tech execs stood there drooling hoping to catch a glipse of a pink thong riding high on her hips but didn't see it.. Maybe she wasn't wearing panties. Who knows. Aww man... she was dope.
I just found out that the tree huggers are still hiding out and strategizing for tomorrow. Apparently tomorrow is when the real shit goes down:
San Francisco, California: SHUT-DOWN
Tuesday, June 8th 2004 6:30 am
Come to Market & Powell on the morning of June 8th at 6:30am to get an action orientation and to plug-in
On the first day of the G8 meetings in Georgia, thousands will pour into San Francisco's streets to SHUT-DOWN the biotech-pharmaceutical industry's annual gathering of corporate execs and lobbyists -- BIO 2004.
This event is in solidarity with actions at Georgia's G8, and in recognition of the fact that corporate powers -- like the bio-pharmaceutical lobby -- are the driving force behind the policies of the G8 that result in imperialist wars, environmental destruction, racial & economic oppression, and the hostile takeover of the Commons.
Wow... I can't wait to see some burnt out hippie losers throwing rocks at some pussy-ass profiteering gluttons... all from my comforts of my aero chair and pimped out cubicle with a view. I swear this is going to be like a good Monday Night Football game. Heehee.
Lakers Lay Down in Game 1
Did I call it or what? Shit, even with my bold prediction I still may have underestimated Detoit...
Last night, I witnessed a display of courage and heart as the Detroit Pistons dominated the Lakers in ways most wouldn't have believed possible. Can you believe they scored more in this game than in any game in the Indy series? Can you belive they held the Lakers' 3rd leading scorer to 5 points?? I know it's only Game 1 and it's way to early too start celebrating that that asshole Karl Malone will never get a ring but you really have to give the Pistons credit. They really bent over LA and didn't quit pounding until the final buzzer went off and the score read 87-75 Pistons. Afterwards, the Shaq and the boys could only shake their heads in disbelief. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Freaky Jessica
At least she keeps it real... Jessica Alba, the hottest chick in the universe, has been quoted saying "It seems that people only have really freaky sex with people that you don't know that well." The link can be found here.
I always sensed she was freakier than most.
Hey Jessica, since I don't know you at all, I'd like to plead my case on why we need to get together. Ohh.. the freaky things we could do... Get at me babydoll.
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Bukowski: Born into This
O jeah, one thing that deserves attention.
Wednesday, night after finding a parking spot right in front and scarfing down a quick meal at Cordon Bleu (which made us late) wifey and I rushed into the Lumiere off California and Polk to watch Bukowski: Born into This.
Man, let me just say watchng the documentary about Bukowski's life was a treat. Before watching the movie I'd only read a few of his books and seen his photo a few times so I was very impressed. It's amazing how the man had absolutely nothing going for him: an abusive upbringing, borderline poverty, and facial disfigurement, yet he's managed to capture the hearts and minds of many by overcoming... on his own terms. He did it by writing poems and stories that were utterly and painfully real, with his head held up high, a drink in his hand, and his nuts hanging.
Buk, you are the man...
Friday, June 04, 2004
I'm Going Blind
Holy Shit -That was the expression on my Optometrist's face after she performed a routine pressure test on my right eye. She tested it again to make sure she wasn't hallucinating and yup, same results: the pressure in my right eye was nearly off the charts. Her reaction was undeniably one of urgency. My problem was way out of her league and I needed to get it taken care of today. Right now.
So she refers me to a glacoma specialist off of Bush and Hyde. I got time to kill so I decide to walk, besides I could already tell this was going to be expensive. Fuck spending a money on a cab.
The specialist was a very confident and intelligent young woman. Frankly, I can't even remember if she was pretty so... no, I wasn't jockin her. She could've looked like Denise Richards and I wouldn't of noticed (seriously). All that was on my mind was the question of whether or not I'd soon be blind.
Anways, She runs various tests which involve dropping various solutions into my eyes then viewing my eyes through strong lenses while I stared into very bright lights. At one point while peering into my right eye she goes "ahhh I see what's going on here". I notice I start to sweat a bit even though it's about 50 degrees in the examination room. Shit, she just found what's about to make me blind. She turns off all the equipment, scribbles stuff into her notebook, smiles, and says she'll be right back. Finally she returns and explains the bad news: I have an eye disease called Posner-Schlossman Sydrome, which is a type of rare form of glaucoma, characterized by extreme eye pressue attacks for periods lasting a few hours to several weeks. The disease is found mainly in younger patients usually from the age of 20 to 40 and it's cause of it is competely unknown. The good news is she checked out my optic nerve, which is the most important component of the inner eye as it connects the eye to the brain, and it's 100% healthy. And I can still drink alcohol and wear contacts (Yes, I had to ask). I'm fortunate to have come in soon after showing symptoms she says as the high pressures have done no permanent damage whatsoever. Whew.
Now for the treatment. I've gotta take 4 different types of eye drops 6-7 times a day total. There goes my pimp game dropping a few more percentage points more... I can just imagine myself at a bar while in the company of a nice young tender on my nuts and saying "hey babygirl, hold up i gotta take my medication" and proceed to drop various solutions into my eye. No, that wouldn't be sexy at all. Shit. But hey, I'll live with it, take the medicine consistently, and in all hope, this will pass.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Go Pistons
Yesterday, a friend and I had an interesting discussion on whether it would be worth it to place a small wager on Detroit to win the finals. The initial odds were +550, meaning you could lay down $100 to win $550 if Detroit could pull it off. Question is, do they even have the slimmest of chances? Will Ben Wallace be able contain Shaq? Can Tayshaun and Rip put Kobe on lockdown? What role will Karl and Gary's hunger for their first ring play in the Laker's success?
My friend, the guru, suggests that on paper, the Pistons have a legitimate shot to win this thing for the following reasons: They play some serious D, Kobe will get worn out chasing Rip around all game, Karl and Gary are just too old, and Tayshaun on Kobe could prove effective considering his length and his ability to recover after getting beat early off the dribble. Simply, the Lakers aren't that good compared to West Finals representatives from the past while the Pistons are one of the better, if not the best, team from the East since the Bulls.
While I don't agree completely (Kobe will absolutely own Tayshaun and Rip), my boy has a solid point.
The Lakers are not that good.
In fact, I'd even go so far to say that they don't even belong...
What if the Rockets didn't choke in the final minutes of games 1 and 4? We would've been in the drivers seat with a 3-1 lead. I know damn well we would've let our nuts hang and won 1 of the next 3.
Next, what would've happened if Fish's shot didn't drop with .45 (or whatever it was) seconds left on the clock in the Spurs series? San Antonio wouldn't have lost confidence and given up. Instead, the pussy-ass Spurs play like they got their balls chopped off in game 6.
Finally, Minnesota. What if Sam "I Am" didn't suffer the hip injury? The results would've clearly been different. Not only would Sam have contributed 22-27 points per game and provided the Wolves with a leader at the one, but he would've knocked down key shots in the clutch.
I guess one could argue that the Lakers are a team of destiny and all that crap but not in my eyes. They got lucky. Bastards.
Go Pistons.
Eye Woes
If it ain't one thing its another. I've finally rid myself of those nasty vertigo problems (knock on wood). Now I'm dealing with a very unpleasant eye problem. My right eye is constantly red, itchy, and sometimes even stings a bit. After wearing my contacts for a few hours vision from my right eye is blurred. It gets cloudy and if I stare directly into a source of light I see perfectly circlular color rings around it. I've been taking some Naphcon drops two or three times a day. Although the drops are effective in temporarily taking the redness away, the vision problems persist.
What the hell is wrong with me?? I swear i'm playing a game of whack-a-mole with my body again. You'd think shit would just heal itself after awhile, especially since I'm no longer under duress. I suppose its just something that comes with age.
What sucks most is the fact that I've been trying to grow my hair out a little and these frames only look good with short hair. And since I can't bear to wear my contacts longer than couple hours at a time I've been forced to wear these glasses. Consequently, my confidence and my pimp game has dropped some...
I've got an appointment with my Optometrist tomorrow... Let's hope it ain't anything serious.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
I'm Back
What can I say other than it feels good to have that monkey off my back.
Did I do well?
Who knows. Who cares. Those damn exams are behind me know and there's nothing I can do to improve my scores now. I refuse to let thoughts of pending grades occupy my mind.
Immediately after my last exam I wandered around Berkeley trying to find a bar to unwind in. To my dismay all I could find were annoying coffee houses full of pretentious intellectuals babbling about politics and listening to whiny classical music. Nothing wrong with that but I wanted to get down. Screw having a beer in one of those spots. I guess I was just on the wrong side of campus. I just said fuck it, and hopped on a BART train back into the city. I got home and poured myself a nice wholesome serving of Laphroaig (neat) and flipped through my contact list to find someone who wanted to party at 3pm. I meet with my homies E and S up at the GE and start drinking. After a couple drinks we realize the place was a little to tame for our appetite so we hit up another spot in the Tenderloin.
Long story short, I drank about 18 Becks and Heineys, 3 nasty lemon drop shots and several healthy lines of Columbia's best export. I vaguely remember macking to the hottest chick in the whole place (a 7 at best) and feeling hella stupid afterwards. I didn't give a fuck since I was too drunk. She'll be there next time anyways.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
T-Mac to Houston? Say it ain't so
Marc Stein from ESPN has revealed that the Rockets are offering Steve Francis for for T-Mac: "Of all the superstars purportedly on the trading block -- Chris Webber, Allen Iverson, Vince Carter, etc. -- the consensus remains that none of them is more likely to actually move than Orlando's Tracy McGrady. Houston is said to be making a hard push, peddling Steve Francis for starters". His complete column can be found here.
This mere rumor has the crazies at ClutchCity hysterical and it seems that everyone in H-Town has jumped on the T-Mac bandwagon already. Inane posts like: "I would give up sex for a week with my supermodel girlfriend if we could get Tmac." have filled the forum. Some fans have even gone so far as photoshopping pics of T-Mac donning a #1 Rockets jersey. Holy Smokes.
Don't get me wrong though, T-Mac is muthafuckin baller. He can score anytime, anywhere, on anyone. He's proved that consistently over the course of his young career.
However, I think everyone's jumping the gun here. I just ain't convinced.
First off, does Orlando know something about T-Mac that the rest of us don't? Maybe that he's a selfish prima donna that cares more about getting 30 pts than actually winning a game? After all, wasn't he a major factor in the Magic's horrendous 1-18 start? I am the only one that's a little suspicious here?
Also, at this point, I just don't see him fitting into the Rockets system. T-Mac isn't exactly a Van Gundy type player as he plays erratic defense and he's overly egotistical. One could argue that Francis posseses those qualities as well but at least Francis has progressed in maturity and overall leadership over the course of the year. McGrady hasn't. Francis also takes it personally when the Rockets lose. McGrady blames his teammates. McGrady could have all the talent in the world but if he lacks that will to win games and that ability to make this teammates better, it ain't gonna help us much. Don't believe me? Look at Iverson or Webber. Neither will ever win rings (with them as leaders of their perspective teams).
Although, they're relevant issues, I won't even get into his history of injury and the fact that we really don't need a shooting guard or small forward.
But if we do have to replace Francis... Why don't replace him with a proven winner... K-O-B-E.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
The Unattractiveness of Insecurity
This morning (well morning for me) I figure I could use a little therapy so I pop into my local pool hall to knock some balls around. I purposely ask for a table away from where all the sharks and hustlers are situated so I could ponder life's eternal questions over some 9-ball... in peace. Somehow, some old timer takes notice and takes a stool nearby to watch me shoot. Couldn't this dood go annoy someone else? I had no desire to be critiqued. Plus, it tends to make me a little nervous. If I wasn't taught to respect my elders I would've told the old man to get lost and change his fuckin depends. Naturally, wannabe Paul Newman, tries to give me a few pointers... "this is how you should aim properly blah blah blah". I tell him thanks but my expressions say fuck off old man.
I guess he finally gets the hint and takes off.
Afterwards, I hit the bookstore and to get some studying in. I immediately notice a chick studying with her guy friend (it looked platonic). She's a cute, thin, 22ish asian chick. Although she's dressed down in jeans and a beat up sweatshirt, not to mention, wearing no makeup, she's undeniably hot. Also, I can't help but notice her face: it bears a striking resemblance to M's (circa 1992). Daym, this is the second woman I've seen in recent weeks that looks like her. Is fate telling me to holler at M again? Or does it just mean M's features are nothing but pretty yet common? She looks back at me as I find a seat. Shit, I have two chapters I must read. I try to block this chick out but I can't. She's already intrigued me. I start having one of my knee-jerk reactions and subtly try to get her attention. So, with my eyes I magically let her know I'm attracted. I'm looking good and my confidence is showing so my efforts have some effect on her. She's glancing back at me with devious and sexy little smiles. Here we go again... I've got a live one.
Then something happens to her. Her body language starts to tell me she's just realized she's looks like she just climbed out of bed. Her confidence disappears. I can't help but notice her leg even starts to shake a little. I don't get it, would I be looking at a woman like she was a pork chop if I didn't think she was hot, regardless of what she was wearing? Besides, I like how pretty chicks look when they're a little disheveled. Obviously, she can't figure this out. What the hell?
Anyways, this works in disinteresting me. I proceed to read two chapters without distractions.
Still Bumpin that Paul Wall
I swear, there ain't nobody that can spit game about makin' scrilla and grindin' like my boy Paul Wall. This hook from Tryin to get paid is just addictive:
All day and every night, I think about one thang
Stacking my change, and that ain't never gon change
I got plans for running game, until the money is drained
Putting rocks in my rang, and ride a drop on swangs
Steady hustling on the grind, out here doing my thang
I'm just trying to maintain, how many licks I could stang
But these boys who talking loud, they ain't got nothing to say
But I ain't worried, I'm just trying to get paid
Friday, May 21, 2004
Oh Caroline
It's been awhile since I've seen a woman on tv that was so hot I had to get on the computer and find out who she was (and hopefully locate some nekkid pics of her too). Today, I did exactly that after watching Outkast's video Roses. I'm thinkin' who the hell is this Caroline cuz she's got me fiending. That face, those DSLs, them thighs, and especially... that attitude. Mmmmm. Yum.
Her name is April.
Yeah, I've got a thing for fine stuck up hoochies like her character in the video. Maybe it's the challenge. Maybe it's because I know under it all is one hot freakazoid. Besides... after a night with me she wouldn't be bitchy any more. ;-)
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Link of the Day
Do you sometimes have problems breathing because that tub-o-lard in the cubicle next to you keeps ripping ass every few minutes? Is his/her birthday coming up? Here's the perfect gift.
Drunk Study
So I'm laying in bed trying to doze off after re-reading some chapter on the Phillips Curve and it's relation to the phenomenon of stagflation. I have no idea why I can't sleep, considering I just read the driest, most uninteresting chapter in the book...
Suddenly, the idea of studying drunk pops into my head (maybe because I'd rather be drinking instead of studying? I don't know). Anyways, I get to thinking about the movie Better Luck Tomorrow. Didn't those honor society kids in that movie get totally shitfaced during some of their study sessions? Didn't their nerd-leader claim that if they learned the material when they were drunk they'd know it in even deeper depth when they were sober? Could the alcohol-induced brain function like arms with those wrist weights on it, that when the weights were removed the arms felt stronger? Could there possibly be any truth to this? I must find out because if there was, I'd love to use this method of study. Shit, I'd experiment and find out for myself but due to certain time constraints I really couldn't afford to be wrong right now.
I figured a simple google search would give me a quick answer. Besides, I couldn't sleep anyways.
So sneak out of bed, walk over to the Thinkpad and perform searches on "studying drunk", "drunk study", and "studying intoxicated" and all I get is porn sites about Drunk College Slut Fucked During Study Session type hits. I'm mean, I like porn and all but damn... I really needed a serious answer.
That sux. I'm going back to bed.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
There's this dude that works on my floor in a tiny cubicle. I swear he's Milton from Office Space.
I rememeber creeping down that aisle one day and I noticed a heavy-set guy shuffling around in his cubicle. It may have been my imagination but I coulda sworn he was mumbling to himself too. I also noticed the dude had an ancient workstation, a circa 1995 shitty PC-AT clone, and an old skool 14" monitor. I remember thinking... daym, that guy's got it rough. They need to buy him a new monitor. I mean shit... I've got a 20" LCD on my desk as do most others.
Being the nerd I am, I started taking a different route to the break room or restroom just to find out more about this dude's Mitonesque throwback setup. Usually I saw the same shit, Milton banging away on that XT keyboard as he squinted into the monitor inches away from his eyes.
But today.. he was away but left his monitor on unprotected. I was shocked when I saw what OS he was running: Windows 3.1. HAHAHA. What the fuck? What the hell could he possibly be doing with a workstation and OS over ten years old??
I'm determined to find out.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Today in the Links
Con man robs marks of 1.8 mil and attempts to pay them back... by winning the WSOP. I gotta give it up to him though because I would've done the same thing. That's how you pay marks back: with other marks' money. Read more about it here.
On the CompSec front... source code for Cisco's IOS now in the clutches of the best blackhat hackers in the world: Russian Hackers. Here.
First of all, how the hell does this cheesy-ass gimp Mario Lopez pull Ali Landry? Secondly, how the hell does he cheat on former the Miss America, during his bachelor party before wedding her, no less?? You figure that his "celebrity" status could've at least bought him some secrecy. Ali babydoll, if you're reading this... hit me up.
Addicted to chocolate? You think you know good chocolate? Sees, Ghirardelli, Godiva, Herseys (bleh) aint shit. Scharffenberger tops them all.
Quentin Tarantino wants to direct the next Bond. As long as his rendition of Bond stays true to the key elements (the suave pimp-style, the perfect 10 women, and the impossible missions), I think QT stands a chance to actually improve Bond films. In a way I think he could add more substance to the films which have relied too much on special effects lately. Link.
Oh yeah, I've never had a favorite hockey team before since we didn't have one in Houston (and I hate any team from Dallas). With that said... Go Sharks.
Can't forget the perkiness of John Kerry's daughter, Alexandra.
I wish I would've heard about gmailswap before I started giving away my spare gmail accounts to friends who still haven't used them.
Man of no Leisure
Feeling a little down...
I'll be the first to admit I haven't been living up to the title of this blog, or more precisely, my self-proclaimed title: a man of leisure. Frankly, other than the solitary night out each week, there simply is no time for leisure. I'd kill to be able to trade in these textbooks for a remote control and a couch. Or how about these mission-critical work projects for a case of Red Hook and a little sack of weed. I'm consumed by minor things like my gradual indifference towards career advancement and the burden of trying to buy a home is this exorbitantly priced city. My sleeping schedule (or should I say lack thereof) and fear of exercise is fucking with my health. I don't even know if the severe allergies and the vertigo is a cause or result of all this. Who knows. But one thing's for sure: all these factors comprise this vicious neverending cycle that is currently my life.
I just have to remind myself everything will work out and that my fretting is unnecessary. If anything, it's harmful.
Despite the mountain of issues that lay before me, in the back of my mind I know things will get better soon. These two courses are winding up. The projects at work will be accomplished well beyond the satisfaction of the bigwigs (isn't it always?). Financially, things are looking up. Loans are just a few months from being paid off. I have been accumulating more cash than before when I was going out every night. Finally, this cloud of health problems is beginning to lift. I can feel it.
There's light at the end of the tunnel... Repeat after me: You're almost finished... stay strong.
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Master Procrastinator
I really need to be reading up on some aggregate demand and Keynesian theory but instead I've been reading blogs and watching the Kings wax the Wolves. I haven't even showered or eaten lunch either. Argh.
One thing though. I was trying to catch her face on ESPN when her husband (Jose Lima) sang the national anthem at a dodger game last week. For some reason, ESPN avoided showing it. Instead, they just provided us with glimpses of those big ass tiddies. DAYM. Here's Mrs "MILF" Lima in her entirety.
Off to conquer slothfulness...
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Hustler on the Rise
After gluttonously devouring the wings and beer K suggests we go shoot some pool. I'm thinking hmm strange... since she rarely enjoys playing pool with me because I get immensely serious around a pool table. I happily oblige and we end up at TGE. I swear, I've been spending a lot of time in there lately.
An hour into a few games of 8-ball and after two or three Becks, I really start to find my stroke. I'm sinking everything, even difficult shots. I'm getting good shape on the the next ball. Banks shots are on. I make shots while winking at my wife. She's getting turned on. My level of confidence is at a momentous peak. I'm in that elusive yet almighty zone. Man, it feels good. I do my imitation of Tom Cruise in The Color of Money, strutting around, swinging my cue as if it's a sword and I'm a muthafuckin' samurai. I even manage to get funny glances from players on surrounding tables. Ha.
Yeah, I guess my game has really improved.
O jeah.. as you could probably tell from the the two most recent posts. I didn't follow through on my promise to quit drinking until exams were finished. Sorry... but I have cut down considerably.
The Problem With Looking Young the beer takes longer to arrive.
Last night wifey and I went to Hooters to indulge in our favorite gourmet delicacy, wings (nekkid 911 please) and pitchers of Heineken. For those who believe the buxom scantily dressed waitresses are the best thing on the menu, they arent (close though). It's the wings fool!! I still get shocked when I see these ignorant Californians order chicken salad or burgers in there. Learn your Hooters history.. the place is for wings, beer, and tigolebitties. You'll rarely see anyone in Texas or Florida ordering that in a Hooters down there, while here in SF it's what the majority orders.
Anyways.. back to my story. We take our seats and proceed to order a pitcher. The waitress checks our ID's and bounces off to fetch the beer. A couple minutes later she returns and says she needs to borrow my ID again. I'm thinking damn I could really use that beer sooner rather than later.. but hey, this has happened before. It's the curse of looking half my age. It's a compliment. About 10 minutes pass, still no Heiney. I see the manager behind the bar showing my ID to several of his assistant manager hoohies. They try to conceal their heavy physical examination of me. I stare back and give them my gimmemyfuckingbeer look, with a smile of course. They don't get the message. I'm getting very impatient and thirsty. I tell the waitress I want to have a word with her lame ass manager. I even flash her my old Texas ID. She apologizes profusely and explains it's her first day and she's stressed yada yada yada. And what does that have to do with my beer, woman?? She trots off again.. Argh. Finally, after much heated debate they decide that my ID is in fact legit and the waitress returns with the damn pitcher. Now that's the longest I've ever had to wait for some beer...
It's all good. The whole fiasco didn't put a damper on the rest of the evening. Why should it? After all, it _was_ a compliment. ;-)
It did bother me, however, that that pussy-ass manager didn't have the nuts to come over and talk to me. Fuckin' faggot.
Friday, May 14, 2004
Still Hobbled
I'm still not 100% yet. I'm still stricken with minor vertigo accompanied by a hollow feeling in my right ear. My upper back aches. My allergy symptoms have been held in check since I've been popping that Claritin daily. Overall, I still feel like crap.
Yesterday, I dropped by the doctor's office once again. This trip marks the first time I get to see the doctor who's actually listed on my insurance card. Hmm... maybe this time things will be different. Maybe this time she'll actually troubleshoot further. WRONG. Same shit. She's about seven months pregnant. She's obviously very busy with elderly dying patients. She hears my spiel about my "issues" and tells me the same thing her predecessors have told me... I'm a strong XX year old male in superior health. I just happen be suffering from some minor problems associated with my allergies. Blah Blah Blah. No prescription, no tips. I was, however, grateful that she had her nurse irrigate my right ear. Not sure it helped much though but it did feel kind of kewl. She did offer to give me a CAT scan if I so desired. She felt it would be a waste of time/effort. I declined. But if this thing doesn't subside soon I may take her up on it. Please God... don't let this be anything serious.
Movie Review: The Cooler
On another note, K and I watched The Cooler last night. Lemme just say, its a keeper. It's the movie about a loser who's sole job is to "cools off" hot gamblers in a Vegas casinos. In a nutshell: Unique story, stellar acting, beautiful cinematography, and most importantly insightful symbolism. 4.5 stars.
On another note, K and I watched The Cooler last night. Lemme just say, its a keeper. It's the movie about a loser who's sole job is to "cools off" hot gamblers in a Vegas casinos. In a nutshell: Unique story, stellar acting, beautiful cinematography, and most importantly insightful symbolism. 4.5 stars.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Whut You Know About Purple Drank??
Not much time to blog since I've got another doctor appointment early tomorrow morning (8:30am).
Just wanted to mention I've been bumpin that new Paul Wall album, The Chick Magnet. Yeah, I just found out about that it was released back in May yesterday. I wish some H-Town fools would let me know when shit like this drops. My first impression is he's fell off slightly. The wordplay is still sharp but he just doesn't sound as relaxed. Paul and Cham recently had some type of falling out and it's noticeable in many of the tracks. Don't get me wrong though, it's still top notch and deserves 4 mics but it would be 5 if Cham was singing on the hooks. We'll see what happens when Cham's album drops.
Oh jeah.. we also saw 21 Grams today. Iñárritu has outdone himself with this one... Two words: brilliant and tragic. Maybe more on this later. Gotta crash.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Power of the Ring
I was chatting with a single homie today about the power of the men's wedding ring.
You've heard about it. Maybe you've witnessed it. I'm talking about the theory that a married man donning a wedding ring attracts a more pussy than a man without one. Let me be the first to tell you that the theory holds true... but with one corollary: the type of woman that is drawn to the ring. From my experience, women who have come on to me after seeing the object of desire tend to be morally challenged. Either they're entralled with the taboo or they are extremely horny and realize that sleeping with a married man is more discreet and has fewer possible ramifications.
Anyways, my boy says he's gonna go to the pawn shop and cop one to improve his game... lol. Classic.
Five Years in SF
I don't have the precise date I actually moved here but I'm fairly certain it was April or May of 2000. I'm utterly shocked to realize that we've been in the Bay Area for five years now.
Let's take a quick drive down memory lane... back to mid-March 2000, Austin Texas. Mixed feelings infiltrated my mind. Anguish, uncertainty, and downright fear swept through me. Was this the right move? What if the whole dotcom thing crumbled? What will happen if it did? How would we handle financial struggles? We had no support system in California. For the first time, K and I would be without numerous family and friends. At the same time, I recollect the move evoked refreshing feelings as well. I would soon be transported to a beautiful city with clean slate. I was excited about rolling the dice and taking the first serious gamble in my life. I thought I was embarking on a mission that could make me wealthy. I had a relatively high paying job lined up at an up and coming dotcom in downtown San Francisco. I'd be granted 10,000 shares when we went public. Now let's see... the stock only needs to hit $10 and I'll be on my way, right? Ballin Outacontrol. This was going to be too easy.
I remember constantly fielding phone calls from perspective recruiters as I relaxed in my comfy Round Rock cubicle. I remember the looks of disbelief on the faces of my coworkers as I notified them of my resignation. I clearly recall the sunny afternoon in Austin when movers loaded our every possession (including our only vehicle) into that Mayflower eighteen wheeler. I remember hopping on that Southwest flight with K, switching planes in sunny San Diego, then eventually touching down at SFO. I recollect the first thing I did when we got settled in: drive to Sprint in San Mateo to pick up the latest cutting edge cell phone in existence. I remember K and I driving down the coast and exploring places like Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz for the first time. I remember thinking that commute from SJ to SF couldn't be that bad. I roamed the dotcommer infested streets having a lot of money in my pockets as I just got paid a then sizeable signing bonus. I remember the long rides on Caltrain to and from the city. The bulk of my time back then was spent slaving at work and commuting. I was out the door by 7am and back in San Jose by 10pm. During the weekends we'd treat ourselves to meals at Ranch 99. Occasionally, we'd hang out at M and L's over dinners and Red Hooks, watching the NBA playoffs. I'd sometimes kick it with my closest road dawg P, hitting the malls to shop for gear and to peep these unfamiliar young Cali tenders. I remember flying first class to NYC for trade shows where I spent more time impressing big wigs with my impeccable tastes in single malt scotch than actually providing tech support. I faintly remember being drunk as hell at the Mariott Marquis while a cute coworker tried to entice me into going up to her room. I remember it all... like it was yesterday.
Approximately five years later, the setting is San Francisco, south of market, May, two thousand and four Ay Dee. I endured a frightening layoff at my dotcom less than a year after arriving in SF. I remember feeling helpless and disgusted when HR declared that I'd be receiving a whopping 2 weeks severance. I remember steering clear of the midday drown-your-sorrows meeting at Lefty's. All those who were cut supposedly attended and got lit. Instead I recall driving home to San Brew, vowing to myself to eat ham and cheese sandwiches until I found a job. Once home, I proceeded to spam hundreds of perspective employers and recruiters with my resume. It paid off. I had calls returned that very afternoon. I had offers within a couple days. Somehow I managed to land the most attractive job to me (my current one). It was the one I was completely underqualified for. It reaffirmed the fact that getting laid off happens for the best.
K and I have lived in San Jose, San Bruno, Daly City, and now finally SF SOMA. Snowboarding and billiards have become my sports of choice. I've certainly become more refined and cultured since my days back in Texas. I now read Bukowski, watch Kurosawa, and listen to John Lee Hooker. I can pair food with wine. lol. I've designed software that lives on mission critical servers all over the country. Financially, my net worth has increased to new heights. I'm now trying get that elusive degree for the umpteenth time. I now sport a wedding band.
All in all, the past five years have been totally positive in almost every way. Yeah we don't own a home yet in this obscenely expensive city but we're working on it. Then we can move on to grown folks challenges like kids, refi's, and mowing the lawn (ok maybe not if we still live here in SF). Also, it would probably help if we had that family support system nearby.
Who knows what the future holds for me in the next five years. I suppose anything can happen. But one thing's for sure that I need to constantly remind myself of: May 2004 will feel like yesterday in May 2009.
This week in the Links
Kinja, the weblog guide
Haven't checked this out... Looks like some sort of blog feed.
Similar to Cliff Notes but web based and includes forums.
File under Haxor Links.
Player Appreciate: Don't Player Hate, PlayerAppreciate
Get yo pimp name.
Vice Magazine North America
File under kewl mags.
Clay Shirky's Internet Writings
Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold
Chris Pirillo :: Main Page
File under geek blogs
Millionaire Playboy - Makeout Music
Make out Music Top Ten List.
Google = Scholastic Excellence?
Students have it easy nowadays. They are able to get an answer to almost any question via the all-powerful search engine. Trust me, I know as it's assisted me tremendously since I started these two classes. Back in the day we had to walk our lazy asses to the library and struggle with a kludgy mainframe library database then waste precious time searching for books or materials in the library that frequently doesn't even exist. Even worse, sometimes we had to operate the archaic microfiche machine. Imagine how long seeking for information about "The effects of depreciation on GDP" would take on a muthafuckin microfiche machine. Days, no doubt. Google takes about .03523 seconds to do round up superior information. How the hell could a kid flunk out nowadays?
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Hard at Work
Hehehe... I said "hard at work". I'll update this post later _after_ if finish this last fucking lesson...
Okay. Mission (or should I say lesson) completed. Hallelujah!!
Anyways, looks like I had to reneg on my promise to abstain from alcohol until I've taken exams. Dropping the lesson into the mail drop box on Brannan St. has gotten me a little too ecstatic. I gave in... Promises are made to be broken I suppose. So now here I sit blowing off steam with glass of Evan Williams and water as I blog and bump some 3EB. In order to justify the lapse in discipline I formulated a study plan of attack before I fixed a drink. It's definitely closer to strenuous than lenient. I will ace these exams.
Downloading Frenzy
I've been downloading and hoarding a ton of music lately. Not sure why, but I feel this overwhelming need to discover fresh artists as well as new sub-genres. Most notably, I've discovered the Brazilian R&B artist Tim Maia. I have no idea what the name of the album is nor any track titles since the dude I got them from didn't label them. Regardless, the tracks ooze of pimp juice. File under: Joints designed for bedroom sports.
SBS Loss
SBS Play: SA/LAL UND 178.5
Result: L
YTD: 9-2
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Syndicate Blip System (SBS)
I have devised a simple betting system that has so far yielded suprisingly positive results. Ok, I didn't come up with it from scratch. I blatantly stole the original rudimentary system from a certain someone who's deeply indebted to me and developed it further. Admittedly, I haven't kept any records but all predictions and results have been saved conveniently in my head. My boy C has served as my witness and as a benefactor of the system's rewards. Unfortunately, I haven't made a substantial amount from the system yet since I'm still doing time in Gambler's Anonymous.
Here's the gist of the system: Vegas oddsmakers initially "make a number" for a particular sporting event. This "number" represents a point spread (the number of points Team A will win over Team B) and the total (the total number of points both teams will score). These oddsmakers are not attempting to predict the actual spread one team will win over the other but instead the spread that will bring in equal money on both sides. The same applies to totals. When an uneven number of wagers are placed on one side oddsmakers will attempt to move the line in an attempt to bring in an equal amount on the other side.
The Syndicate Blip System (SBS) takes into account that there are certain "sharps" in the bettors world that have a distinct edge. This so-called edge comes through superior research, access to information the general public lacks, or in some cases, through certain refs or players in their pocket. In many cases all these factors apply. When these syndicates of sharps bet large on a game they effectively move the line. For example, one of today's MLB games as an example. Here's what the line looked like on
905 COLORADO Jennings-R 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 9½
906 CHICAGO CUBS Maddux-R 270 260
We're going to ignore the Money Line odds on this contest for the sake of explaining SBS (although betting on COL would've been highly lucrative since COL ended up winning). We're only concerned with this game's total. The total initially opened at 8 and thoughout the day it subsequently incremented half points eventually to 10. We assume that syndicates were steadily pouring money on the OVER in an effort to "buy" more points. Suddenly, 20 to 30 minutes before the game's first pitch it suddenly moved back down to 9½. What happened? I believe that these sharp syndicates, after successfully buying the line up bet, or more appropriately, pounded even more money on the UNDER, which swayed the total back down half a point.
Oh yeah, the Rockies won this game 4-3.
The SB System relies on these last second "blips" to select its plays So far when this pattern is recognized, acknowledged, and mentally recorded (with my colleague as a witness), it has picked a suprising 90% of winners and has compiled a record of 9-1. Bow down.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know realizes there are numerous deficiences in my system but hey I had to perform informal tests before examining this further. The biggest question mark is accuracy of How accurate are it's movements compared to actual line movements of casino and offshore sports books. We'll try to learn more about this.. and from this point on I'll be keeping solid records (possibly in this blog). werd.
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